Get into the habit of asking for a letter of reference from someone who you have worked with who might be moving on and ask that person if they would be willing to serve as a verbal reference as well. 养成这样的习惯,就是当你知道和你共事的某人即将离职时,要求他帮你写一封举荐信,也顺便问问那个人是否愿意担当你的口头举荐人。
But periodically touching base, even when youre not job-searching, means that when you do need to ask for a letter of reference or contacts in a new state, it wont seem self-serving and out of the blue. 你应该周期性地与他们联系,即使你没有在找工作,这意味着当你确实需要请他们提供介绍信或者联系人的时候,不会显得很自私自利或者很突然。
Try to get a letter of recommendation from each employment-related reference whom you know will give you good marks. 试着从你跟你工作相关,并且你认为会给你好评价的人那里得到推荐信。
Name of the Correspondent Bank and The Letter of Reference issued by the Bank; 开户行的名称及其出具的银行资信证明;
Include a letter of reference from a supervisor or personnel officer of the employer on company letterhead. 包括一封主管或人事主任签署的公司信笺。
Sarah: Yes, I just completed an internship at one of the largest advertising agencies in Europe. I have a letter of reference here from my employer there. 有的,我才在欧洲一家最大规模的广告公司实习完毕。我这里有一封我雇主的推荐函。
He enclosed letter of reference from his two previous employer. 他附上了他的两位前雇主的推荐信。
I see from your letter of application, Wish reference to your advertisement in Fiva. cn for a clerk, I offer myself for the post. 我从你的求职信上得知,从非凡人才网上广告栏得知公司征求一位职员,本人愿就该职位应征。
This letter is a typical refuting and argument article in the history of classic literature of our country and is worth reading and using for reference. 此文是我国古代文学中典型的驳论性论文,值得学习和借鉴。
According to the article, action against member states brought by the Commission can be divided by procedure into four stages, that is, informal stage of consultation, sending a letter of formal notice, delivering a reasoned opinion, and reference to European Commission. 依据欧共体条约第169条,由委员会提起的针对成员国之诉包括4个阶段,即非正式磋商、发送正式通知函、作出说明理由的意见及提交法院裁决。